Fri 5 Sep, 2014

So we finally got our blog up and running!

It's early days but we hope that we can start to bring you lots of news from The Ayrshire Greens, local stories and campaigns, blog entries from some of our members, highlight articles and news from The Scottish Greens and discuss other items of interest. 

The hot topic at the moment is of course the Scottish Referendum and we have been busy out and about trying to spread the Green Yes message across Ayrshire.

Kilmarnock Stall 14

With less than two weeks to go we will continue to be out delivering leaflets throughout Ayrshire and being involved with local events as much as possible.

This Saturday we will be at the following:

  • Yes Stall in Kilwinning Main Street from 10am
  • Referendum Cafe in the West Kilbride Village Hall 2pm-4pm
  • Green Yes stall in Kilmarnock Town Centre from 3pm - 5pm
  • Canvassing in Ayr and Kilwinning

We hope to see some of you there and if you would like to help out or have any questions in the run up to the 18th please do get in touch. You can email us at:

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