
Scottish Greens 2024 General Election Manifesto at a glance

Essential things you need to know from the Scottish Greens manifesto launch in Edinburgh

This General Election the Scottish Greens are calling on people to vote like our future depends on it - because it does - and today we launched our 2024 manifesto explaining our transformational vision. 

Where can I read the manifesto for myself?

Right here. We have a dedicated webpage for the 2024 Scottish Green Manifesto including versions in Plain Text and Large Print. They are available as PDFs also to make life easier. 

It includes sections on tackling the climate emergency, an economy that works for people and planet, putting wellbeing and dignity at the heart of politics, upholding democracy in Scotland and playing a global role. 

I couldn't make it to the launch, what was said?

Co-leader Lorna Slater talked expertly about climate and investment in green jobs and technology and a redistribution of wealth in our society. 

New oil and gas licences and new fossil fuel investments are a fast-track to climate breakdown. They are incompatible with our climate commitments. Any Party or politician that tells you otherwise is, I’m afraid, simply denying basic climate science - Lorna Slater

You can read the full text of her speech at this link.

Co-leader Patrick Harvie spoke passionately about inequality, and also World Refugee Day today.

The solution to stopping the death and suffering in the channel is not turning boats back, but providing a safe alternative. To set up safe routes for refugees around the globe, including coming to the UK. And once refugees are here, to process their claims in a fair and humane way and allow them the right to work - Patrick Harvie. 

You can read the full text of his speech at this link

How do I know who my Scottish Green candidate will be at the General Election?

We have published a list of all our candidates at our webpage here.

I'd like to dive a little deeper into Scottish Green policies for this election - how can I do that?

As you'd expect we've had a lot to say already. You can read all of our media releases at our special General Election collection at this page

I'm in - how can I help? 

Join us by becoming a member and help shape the future of our party from within. 

Donate what you can by chipping in what you can afford - unlike other parties we are people powered - no big businesses or anonymous millionaires here. 

More in 2024 Westminster Election