Here's our quick guide to conference for newbies
Most importantly: if you've never been to Conference, please come along and give it a try!
Conference is an important and enjoyable part of being a party member. It's the place where we can have our voices heard and exercise our democratic right to shape the Scottish Green Party, where we share ideas and learn from one another and where we can spend time with other Greens from across the country. This is your party and your conference – so come and join us!
We always run a short 'Welcome to new people' session at conference, so look out for it in the programme. If you are not able to make the session there will also be a 'welcome zone'. This will have reading materials and will be staffed by friendly volunteers who'll come, say hello, answer your questions and help you feel at ease.
Conference has 4 main elements:
What's the difference?
Voting usually only happens at autumn conferences, which for this reason tend to be larger events. Votes are counted by a show of green (support), red (oppose) or white (abstain) cards at the end of each motion. Please be sure to hold your card up clearly to make it easier for the vote counters.
If you'd like to speak for or against a motion, Speaker’s Slips are available from SOC Table, at the front of the meeting hall.
During voting sessions, there are 4 Different Types of Motion