The Greens can win in the West of Scotland with your help

Your monthly donation will make a huge difference. The Scottish Greens are a people-powered party. All of our campaigning is made possible thanks to support from people like you. We have no corporate backers or dark money, but we have something far more important, thousands of passionate supporters who are committed to saving the planet and creating a brighter future for Scotland. Together we will make this a reality!

In 2021 we can return Ross to Holyrood as part of the biggest ever Green MSP group, but to do it we need your help now.

Your regular donation will go straight to our campaign here in the West of Scotland region, allowing us to

  • Employ local organisers
  • Print and distribute campaign materials
  • Run targeted digital ads, letting voters know what Ross has achieved for them locally

As a campaign sponsor, you will be invited to local events and Ross will stay in touch with you throughout the campaign. We need Greens in Parliament more than ever before. Thank you for helping make it happen.

Donate now