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Our updated Active Travel policy shows our commitment to making communities safer and healthier

John Finnie Fri 27 Oct, 2017

Last weekend at our autumn conference our members overwhelmingly backed an updated transport policy which aims to enable higher levels of walking and cycling - otherwise known as active travel -  in Scotland. It means we are leading the change towards tackling the rising costs to the NHS of diseases caused by air pollution and inactivity, while also reducing congestion and making our roads safer.

Forget air tax cuts, let's invest in the public transport we all use

John Finnie Fri 29 Sep, 2017

Rail passengers in Scotland will see another rise in regulated rail fares from January next year, this time by 3.6%. So when I heard that the Scottish Government was to announce a transport policy aimed at reducing fares, I thought great! Only, this wasn’t for public transport, but airline tickets.