
14 years of Tory misrule a national tragedy

We can build a fairer, greener and independent Scotland.

The General Election will be the most important for a generation, says Scottish Green co-leader Patrick Harvie, who described the last 14 years of Tory misrule as a “national tragedy.” 

Mr Harvie said voters would have a clear voice on climate, equality and tackling poverty through the party’s election campaigning, which will see Scottish Greens stand a record number of candidates on July 4.

Mr Harvie said: “It’s time to see the back of a toxic Tory government who have been imposing austerity on us for far too long. They’ve been dragging people’s lives into a culture war, and they’ve been badly failing on climate.

“Whether it’s the way they are killing our planet, their attacks on asylum seekers, the vindictive undermining of equal rights, criminalising the right to protest, failures on the cost-of-living crisis, Brexit or blocking of Scotland's democracy, the past 14 years under them have been a national tragedy.

“As Scottish Greens we will mobilise like never before and stand in as many places as we can to offer people a genuinely progressive alternative, one where tackling the very real challenges of climate, poverty and equality come first.

“We have an opportunity to undo some of the damage done. To demand from any new Prime Minister a reversal over the climate wrecking Rosebank oil field, to return to Europe, to offer a helping hand to lift those most in need, and to ensure the right for Scotland to decide its own future.

“With our climate future at stake in the wake of the Prime Minister’s scorched earth policies, this will be the most important election for a generation.

“The opportunity to get rid of this utterly wretched Tory government and to end their obscene culture war against society simply cannot come quickly enough, and the Scottish Greens are ready to go.”

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