

Scottish Greens say today's manifesto launch by Labour fails to offer the bold ideas needed to deliver an economy for the people.

The Scottish Greens, who are standing in the majority of Scotland's 59 seats, launched their manifesto two weeks ago with pledges of a £10 minimum wage for all ages by 2020, publicly-owned railways and opposition to the TTIP trade deal, and more powers for Scotland and local communities.

Membership of the Scottish Greens has surged to almost 9,000. One in ten members is ex-Labour.

Scottish Green MSP Patrick Harvie said:

"We already know Labour are committed to further cuts in public spending, and now we know those cuts would fall on Scotland too. The need to challenge the austerity agenda has never been clearer.

"Whether it's a minimum wage rise that still won't meet the cost of living or railways not completely owned by the public, Labour's marginal effort falls flat. We need to think big - we need to promote decent wages, protect public services and give communities real control. Electing more Green MPs like Caroline Lucas is the way to do that."


Scottish Greens 2015 manifesto and candidates