
Call for local tax reform welcomed by Greens

The Scottish Greens have welcomed a report by IPPR Scotland for the STUC calling for bolder use of Scotland’s powers over local taxation.

The Thinking bigger on tax in Scotland report investigates different options for new powers for councils to raise revenue, concluding that further work would be required to cost the proposals.

Responding, Scottish Greens local government spokesperson Andy Wightman said: “Powers to give councils new forms of taxation have been devolved to Scotland since 1999, but successive governments have been too timid to take them on.

“Despite various parties promising to replace the regressive council tax, we are still lumbered with it. The Scottish Greens secured a commitment from the Scottish Government on the reform of council tax, and we are in talks to ensure they deliver on that.

“But councils need more powers to raise vital funds for schools, social care and community facilities in a progressive way. This report recognises that broadening the mix of taxation in Scotland could be more politically palatable, but Green proposals to empower local authorities have been rejected and frustrated by vested interests.

“If we are to improve services and empower communities, we need the other parties to be braver on local government.”