Care inspectorate seeks cancellation of Home Farm registration
Responding to reports that the Care Inspectorate has applied to the Sheriff Court seeking cancellation of Home Farm Care Home’s registration, Scottish Greens Highlands and Islands MSP John Finnie said:
“I’ve huge concerns about the Covid19 outbreak at Home Farm and offer my sincere condolences to the families of those who have lost loved ones there. Care home residents are some of the most vulnerable people in our society and it is vital that every protection is offered to them. That means routine testing, that means issuing staff with the necessary PPE, and it means ensuring distancing and hygiene measures are implemented strictly at all times. The Care Inspectorate action suggests that something has gone seriously wrong in this care home and it’s vital that lessons are learned and urgently acted upon. Sadly, that will come too late for at least seven residents who stayed at this home.”