

Patrick Harvie, Scottish Green MSP for Glasgow, today hailed the findings of a review into the Climate Challenge Fund (CCF), established in 2008 as a Scottish budget concession to the Green MSPs.Patrick Harvie_small

The review concludes that over the course of the entire CCF scheme (2008-16), 550 groups have been awarded over £66million to deliver 730 community projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Project include energy efficient refurbishments of community-owned buildings, local food, cycling and car-sharing, and exchange schemes for clothes, furniture and tools.

The review says the projects have also benefited communities by delivering education, skills, employability, community cohesion, health and wellbeing, and social enterprise developments. It says there is an opportunity for a successor fund to help Government and communities more effectively create Scotland's low carbon future.

Patrick Harvie MSP, a member of Holyrood's economy and energy committee, said:

"Green MSPs proposed the Climate Challenge Fund during the previous minority SNP administration and it's great to see it has gone from strength to strength. Giving communities control has been a consistent priority from Green MSPs and it's pleasing to see this review emphasising the wide range of benefits such a scheme can deliver.

"Scotland has an unrivalled opportunity to create a low carbon economy that is good for jobs and health, and sustainable for future generations. The 730 CCF projects established to date highlight the desire throughout our country to make a difference, and it is essential we build on this success."


Review of the Climate Challenge Fund