
Confidence in Scotland’s justice system at risk over failure to investigate Trump

Green MSP Ross Greer is calling for an Unexplained Wealth Order to investigate Donald Trump’s business activities in Scotland.

The Scottish Government must apply for an Unexplained Wealth Order to investigate Donald Trump’s business activities in Scotland or risk damaging faith in our justice system, Ross Greer MSP has said.

Mr Greer wrote to First Minister John Swinney asking for an update on demands made by the Scottish Greens in June that Donald Trump’s business activities be fully investigated to ensure they’re in compliance with the law.

The letter highlights Mr Trump’s conviction earlier this year on 34 counts related to the falsification of business records. In that case, the judge ruled that he had submitted a “false valuation” of his Aberdeenshire golf course.

An Unexplained Wealth Order can be applied for by Scottish Ministers under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, allowing investigations into “politically exposed persons” suspected of involvement in serious crime.

Ross Greer MSP said:

“Donald Trump has been convicted on dozens of counts of fraud in America. The judge in his New York trial specifically ruled that he had submitted a “false valuation” of his golf course here in Scotland.

“It’s a core principle of any legal system that everyone be treated equally, regardless of how rich or powerful they are. Anyone who may have broken the law must be held to account.

“So it is more than odd that, even after all his convictions in New York, including the clear links to Scotland, not a word has been said about investigations into Trump here. In the intervening period he’s even announced the opening of another Scottish golf course.

“The Scottish Greens have urged the Scottish Government for years to apply for an Unexplained Wealth Order, allowing them to fully investigate Trump’s business activities in Scotland. If they want to maintain public confidence in our justice system, we must see action on the seriously concerning evidence which has emerged."


Mr Greer's Letter to FM below:

John Swinney MSP

First Minister

By Email


11th October 2024

Donald Trump Unexplained Wealth Order

Dear John,

At First Minister’s Questions on June 27th I asked if you could provide an update on whether an Unexplained Wealth Order is being sought regarding Donald Trump’s Scottish business activities.

As you are aware, earlier this year, Mr Trump was found guilty on 34 counts related to the falsification of business records by the New York State Supreme Court. The judge presiding over this case ruled that he and his company are liable for the "false valuation" of his golf course in Aberdeenshire.

Under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, Ministers may apply for an Unexplained Wealth Order to investigate Trump’s activities in Scotland, but for years the Scottish Government has said that it can neither confirm nor deny whether Trump is under investigation.

In your answer on the 27th June, you committed to exploring the issue in further detail and writing to me with an update. I appreciate the constraints on what can be shared, but I have not received any correspondence from your office.

Faith in our justice system is at risk by the appearance of inaction in the face of potentially serious criminal activity by a rich and powerful individual. For that reason, and given the recent announcement that Mr Trump is opening another golf course in Scotland, I would welcome an update from you on this issue as soon as possible.

Best wishes,
Ross Greer MSP