
Cutting school uniform costs will be a big boost for stretched families

By cutting the cost of school uniforms we can help families being hit by the cost crisis.

The Scottish Greens have welcomed progress by the Scottish Government towards delivering one of the party’s manifesto commitments, reducing the cost of school uniforms. 

Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth has published a report summarising responses to the government’s consultation on proposed guidance to both reduce the costs of school uniforms and to address equalities issues such as gender-specific uniform policies.

The Cabinet Secretary also confirmed that a working group has been set up to consider next steps.

Statutory guidance to cap the cost of school uniforms was first included in the Scottish Greens’ 2021 manifesto and then in the Bute House Agreement, the cooperation deal struck between the Scottish Greens and the Scottish Government.

Scottish Greens education spokesperson, Ross Greer MSP said:

“Capping the cost of school uniforms will be a big boost for families facing increased costs every year.  

“Too many schools have unnecessary rules about their uniforms, including exclusive deals with specific suppliers, which just push up prices. So, I’m pleased that the Scottish Government is delivering a Green policy which will address this and help tackle child poverty.

“All over Scotland families are being stretched by soaring prices, rising bills and runaway inflation. We are doing everything we can to support them through this crisis.

“With Scottish Greens in government we have delivered a groundbreaking Scottish Child Payment of £25 per week for the most vulnerable families, free bus travel for everyone under twenty-two, a freeze on rents and other policies making a real impact to the lives of children and families across the country.”