

Scottish Greens say the publication by the UK Government of a "command paper" on devolution confirms that there is a gulf in public expectation that the three UK parties must close.

Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, said:

"This so-called command paper is a damp squib. It simply repackages what the three UK parties put forward in the spring, since when public debate has moved on considerably and public expectations have been built up.

"The three parties must show willingness to catch up to meet the shared aspirations of Yes and No voters. In the closing stages of the referendum campaign promises were made about deep devolution and near-federalism, way beyond what the parties originally proposed. That gulf must be closed, and Scottish Greens will continue to argue for meaningful public involvement in agreeing a package of powers that will give Scotland real autonomy."


Command Paper published today sets out the proposals of the 3 main UK political parties for further devolution

Scottish Green Party submission to the Smith Commission on Devolution