East Lothian Greens Launch Election Fundraiser
All residents in East Lothian will be able to vote Green for the first time in May's council elections.
But fighting an election across the whole county will need resources to help the Scottish Greens cut through against the larger parties.
The East Lothian Greens have today launched their election fundraiser and donations are open now:
Simon Francis, co-convenor of the East Lothian Green Party, said:
We have a very strong slate of candidates who will bring real world expertise and fresh thinking if elected to the Council. If you can chip in a few pounds to help the campaign, every little makes a difference.
But of course it's not all about money.
We also welcome any volunteers to help us leaflet, create social media content or help with some vital back office tasks.
Volunteers can get in touch by emailing eastlothian@scottishgreens.org.uk.
For a full list of Scottish Greens candidates, visit the East Lothian 2022 Election Hub.