

Ahead of tomorrow's Scottish Fire and Rescue Service board meeting, Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian, is expressing concerns about proposals to close the Edinburgh control room.

Alison said:

“I would urge members of the fire board to defer a decision on this as it raises many questions about jobs and quality of service. If the long term plan is to do away with the Edinburgh control room what does this mean for the many skilled employees, and what assurances can be given about emergency responses?
"Scottish Greens warned of such centralisation and opposed the merging of the regional fire brigades. These control room closures shouldn’t simply be sneaked through; the communities affected deserve to be consulted.”


Fire and Rescue Service board paper to be considered on 26 Sep

It asks members to approve plans including:

"Initially working towards 3 Control Rooms at Johnstone; Tollcross, Edinburgh;
and McAlpine Road, Dundee with plans to combine Edinburgh and Dundee into a
new/upgraded facility in Dundee in the longer term."