
Eight million free bus journeys for young people

More than 300,000 young people have enjoyed over eight million fare free bus journeys since free bus travel for young people was introduced in January.

Speaking at First Minister’s Questions in the Scottish Parliament today, on Scottish Bus Week, Scottish Greens MSP Ariane Burgess hailed the transformational impact of the Greens initiative.

Ariane Burgess said:

“Thanks to the introduction of free bus travel for under 22s, delivered with Greens in government, over 300,000 young people across Scotland, including 20,000 in Highlands and Islands, are now enjoying free, low carbon travel.”

Turning to the appointment of a Labour/Conservative alliance now running the City of Edinburgh Council, Ms Burgess highlighted that this would put measures to increase bus patronage at risk:

“Here in the capital the proposed SNP/Green coalition agreement included significant measures to increase bus patronage.

“Is the Deputy First Minister as shocked as I am that, rather than embracing progressive politics, Labour have put these positive measures at risk by colluding with the Tories to cobble together an administration.”