
FMQs: Call for an end to persecution of birds of prey 

Scottish Greens MSP Alison Johnstone has called on the First Minister to end raptor persecution once and for all. 

Speaking at First Minister’s questions the Lothian MSP referenced the words of late First Minister Donald Dewar who described the persecution of birds of prey, “a national disgrace,” with Johnstone remarking that 22 years later it remains a disgrace. 

Speaking on the day the grouse shooting season starts, Alison Johnstone MSP said: 

“Recent events including the reported disappearance of a golden eagle on a grouse moor and the poisoning of a sea eagle are shocking, but sadly far from rare. Scotland should be a haven for wildlife, it should not be a haven for wildlife crime. The First Minister described wildlife crime as a priority for the police, but it’s clear that greater action is required by her government if we are to bring an end raptor persecution in Scotland once and for all.”