
FMQs: Ruskell raises horrific fox hunting video

Scottish Greens Environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP this afternoon (14 March) challenged the First Minister on fox hunting, following the publication of horrific footage posted online over the weekend. [1]

Mr Ruskell asked the First Minister whether, in light of the footage, she felt it was ever acceptable to hunt foxes with dogs. The First Minister failed to respond directly to the question.

Mark Ruskell MSP said:

“Quite frankly, this footage is disgusting. It is disgraceful that this practice continues in 2019 when Parliament was meant to have banned it two decades ago. The Scottish Government’s current proposals do not go far enough, so I hope they will work with us to bring forward robust and effective legislation that ends this barbaric practice once and for all.

“My colleague, Alison Johnstone, has been working on this for some time and I look forward to continuing to support her efforts to finally bring an end to fox hunting in Scotland.”