
FMQs: Save Loch Lomond campaign rebooted as new application lodged

A Green campaign which saw a record 60,000 objections lodged against a Flamingoland development at Loch Lomond has been rebooted after the Yorkshire based theme park operators lodged new plans.

Speaking at First Minister’s Questions in the Scottish Parliament this afternoon Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer said that it would be “unacceptable for one of the most accessible locations on Loch Lomond to be closed off to all but the select few who will pay to stay at this resort.”

Asking the First Minister if she agreed with importance of Loch Lomond remaining accessible to all, Mr Greer said:

“The First Minister will be aware of the long running campaign to prevent Yorkshire theme park operators Flamingoland from developing what they describe as a luxury tourist resort on the banks of Loch Lomond at Balloch.

“Our successful efforts to defeat their first application saw a record 60,000 objections lodged with the National Park, citing the damage to ancient woodland, risk to protected species, strain on local roads, access for local residents and a range of other concerns.

“Sadly Flamingoland are back, having just lodged a new application for a development of the same scale on the same site.

“National Parks are for all of us. It would be unacceptable for one of the most accessible locations on Loch Lomond to be closed off to all but the select few who will pay to stay at this resort.”

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