Gove demonstrates breathtaking contempt for Scotland
Speaking after the meeting of the Finance and Constitution Committee, Scottish Greens Co-Leader Patrick Harvie MSP said:
“Michael Gove has talked about the importance of a consent mechanism for Northern Ireland, but he has confirmed that the UK is utterly unwilling to accept any similar principle for Scotland. The UK Government has already shown itself willing to legislate in defiance of Scotland’s devolution arrangements, and is clearly willing to do so again. The level of contempt for Scotland’s interests, and for our constitutional status, is breathtaking.
“It’s also clear that the new Withdrawal Agreement is designed to allow a race to the bottom on regulations that protect our rights, our environment and our working conditions. UK Ministers have repeatedly made their deregulation agenda clear, and they are now seeking to ram this agenda through just days after its publication, and with almost zero scrutiny. Simply accepting the bland assurances given by Michael Gove and his hard right colleagues would be absurd.
“Now that the request for an extension has been made, it’s clear that there is no reason to crash ahead on the timescale the UK Government has in mind. The extension should be secured to allow for proper scrutiny of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill, due to be published today. Amending that Bill to give the public the final say in a People’s Vote is the only way to truly take back control, cancel the crisis, and protect our place in Europe.”