
Greens call on ScotRail bosses to resolve strikes now

ScotRail bosses must stop using social media platforms to attack their workers and instead resolve the ongoing industrial dispute, Scottish Greens transport spokesperson Mark Ruskell MSP has said.

ScotRail has repeatedly taken to social media in recent weeks to attack ticket examiners and conductors who are striking again today (Sunday) over a dispute about rest day payments.

Mark Ruskell said:

“Instead of repeatedly attacking their own staff on twitter, ScotRail bosses need to get round the table with the RMT and resolve this situation urgently.

“The Transport Secretary must make it immediately clear to Abellio that it has a duty to its staff, and passengers, to resolve this situation. It is a problem of the operator’s own making and one that it has an obligation to fix.

“Ministers are ultimately responsible for the operation of our railways and cannot sit back while the private operator attacks the frontline staff who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic to keep our railways running.

“The Scottish Greens are strongly supportive of moves to bring ScotRail entirely into public hands, but until that happens government must keep pressure on the private operator to respect their industrial obligations and treat their workers with respect.”