
Greens celebrate first Young Carer Grants

Scottish Greens today welcomed the payment of around £67,000 in grants to young carers.

In the first five weeks of the new scheme, £66,900 was paid to 325 young carers.

The Young Carer Grant is a yearly payment for carers aged 16 to 18 who care for someone receiving a qualifying disability benefit. The payment is a flat rate of £300 which can be applied for once a year. The payment is in acknowledgement of the young person’s carer role and is intended to help them access life opportunities that are the norm for many other young people. Young carers can spend this money as they choose.

The Grant has been based on a Green manifesto promise in the 2016 Scottish Parliament election, and is one of a number of significant changes made by Greens to the social security system, a list that also includes a legal ban on unnecessary face-to-face benefits assessments and a guarantee that benefit sanctions will not apply to Scottish employment programmes.

Green social security spokesperson Alison Johnstone MSP said:

“We can never repay the debt society owes to young carers for the hugely important role they play, but I am glad to see that these young people are now getting financial help to access the same opportunities as their peers, and I’m proud that Greens have played a role in this.

"However, we know many more young carers are entitled to this support than have successfully applied, so it is vital we get the message out there that there that everyone young person who provides care should ask Social Security Scotland if they are eligible.”