Greens congratulate North Kelvin Meadow campaign
For immediate release 16 December 2010
Patrick Harvie MSP has lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament congratulating the North Kelvin Meadow Campaign on receiving an It's Your Neighbourhood Award from Keep Scotland Beautiful which places them in the 'Thriving' category. (1) This acknowledgement of the award raises once more the injustice at the selling off of this space to 'luxury' property developers, and highlights Green concerns about the public consultation conducted by the developers.
Patrick Harvie MSP said:
"I am pleased to see the Meadow recognised as 'thriving'. It is indeed a thriving place for all the community to enjoy and has gone from strength to strength thanks to the remarkable efforts of the North Kelvin Meadow Campaign. It is therefore such a tragedy that Glasgow City Council believes this space should be sold off to property developers.
"The development of luxury flats on the Meadow is in complete opposition to public opinion, and the developer's gestures at public consultation are nothing more than box ticking. What is best for the community has never been on their agenda, nor Glasgow City Council's, and I do not believe that residents' concerns will be genuinely acknowledged or considered by both parties.
"And so Glasgow is threatened with losing a valuable and beautiful space, a space that has brought an incredible amount of joy to all those that have been to one of the numerous events held at the Meadow, and to local residents pleased to see what was once disused land transformed into something so beneficial for their community and the natural environment. There is still time for Glasgow City Council to see sense on this and save North Kelvin Meadow."