
Greens keep Bearsden anti-pollution action on the table

Local Green MSP Ross Greer has highlighted the air pollution problem at Bearsden Cross during a debate on emergency Covid-19 legislation. Greer was speaking in favour of a successful Green proposal to keep alive the programme of rolling out Low Emission Zones, which the Scottish Government had previously indicated would be delayed.

Low emission Zones exist in many locations around the world and prevent the highest polluting vehicles from entering pollution hotspots. A first wave are being introduced to Scotland in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee. Calls have been made for their rapid extension to other Air Quality Management Areas, the 38 identified areas where air pollution is a particular problem, including Drymen Road in Bearsden.

Given the significant additional risk of Covid-19, a respiratory disease, in areas with poor air quality, the Scottish Greens argued that Low Emission Zones would be an essential part of Scotland’s recovery from the virus.  The Green amendment was passed unanimously following a reversal of the Scottish Government’s previous position.

Scottish Greens MSP Ross Greer, a Bearsden resident and the only local member of the Scottish Parliament’s Covid-19 committee, drew attention to the situation at Bearsden Cross during the committee meeting, saying:

“Bearsden has the unfortunate distinction of having an air quality management area along Drymen Road, with a small primary school playground at its centre. Bearsden Primary School’s playground probably has the worst air quality of any school playground in Scotland.

Following the Green amendment’s passing, Greer said:

“We have seen a huge, dramatic and predictable reduction in air pollution on our streets because of the lockdown. We must ensure that the post-lockdown normal is a new normal. There is simply no need to go back to a situation where the children at Bearsden Primary and other local residents had their health suffer due to air quality so poor you could often taste it. Our Green amendment allows East Dunbartonshire Council to take up the offer I secured from the First Minister to discuss a Bearsden Low Emission Zone as soon as possible.”