
Greens: Scotrail must listen to workers and passengers

The Scottish Greens have called for Abellio Scotrail to move quickly to resolve the industrial dispute which has disrupted Scotland’s railways and to engage better with passengers when it comes to timetabling.

Abellio’s contract ends in March next year, after which Scotrail will come into public ownership.

Scottish Greens transport spokesperson Mark Ruskell said: “The rail unions are right when they say Abellio’s tenure has been chaotic, so it’s vital the company does not spend the next six months running down services and ignoring workers and passengers.

“To best prepare for the new public railways, we need to see much better engagement with the communities that rely on train services. Communities need services that are reliable, quick and affordable. Meeting their needs is what a people's railway should be about, as well as being a vital step in encouraging people away from private car use and meeting our climate emission targets.

“Next week I am hosting an online town hall meeting to hear from passengers across Mid Scotland and Fife alongside representatives from the rail industry, trade unions and passenger groups, and it will be events like this that can help us design services that work for people not profit.”