
Greens: Scottish Government must heed warnings on Carbon capture

The Scottish Government must heed warnings about the holes in its plans to tackle the climate emergency using untested Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology.

Research by the Tyndall Centre, commissioned by Global Witness and Friends of the Earth Scotland, reveals that CCS is not being developed quickly enough to address the urgent need to keep global warming down. 

It warns relying on the technology to meet climate targets is “not viable”.

Commenting, Scottish Greens environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell said: “There may be a place for Carbon Capture and Storage in the future, but as this research shows we cannot rely on it to get Scotland’s emissions down.

“This is a serious warning for the Scottish Government, who are pinning all hopes of our survival on technology that simply isn’t ready yet. In fact, CCS is being used to increase fossil fuel extraction at a time when we must be investing in the alternatives like renewables and energy efficiency.

“This year Scotland can grasp the opportunity that the COP conference presents to show real leadership in protecting our future, with solutions that don’t rely on the oil and gas sector.”