
Greens seek review of use of criminal immunity in wake of Allan Marshall case

Scottish Greens justice spokesperson John Finnie MSP has asked the Lord Advocate, James Wolffe, to clarify the use of criminal immunity in Scotland.

The former police officer has written to the senior Scottish Law Officer in the wake of scathing criticism by Sheriff Liddle, who presided in the Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) into the death of Allan Marshall in Saughton Prison.

Prison officers in that FAI were granted criminal immunity by the Crown.

In his letter, John Finnie is seeking information about the use of criminal immunity, how its effectiveness is gauged and what plans, if any, the Crown has to review the process.

“The public rightly want to understand the circumstances whereby a death results and individuals are given immunity from any possible criminal act.

“Sheriff Liddle was damming in his comments, clearly suggesting that, notwithstanding criminal immunity being granted, the Inquiry did not hear the truth about the death.

“We can all learn lessons, and that includes the Crown, and I hope to receive a comprehensive reply from the Lord Advocate hearing that he is reviewing the use of criminal immunity. If he is not, the Scottish Greens will formally call for such a review.”