
Greens: Tory Government shows a complete disregard for devolution

Today, Scottish Greens MSP Ariane Burgess grilled the UK Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, George Eustice MP, at an evidence session on the impact of Brexit on Scotland’s rural economy.

In the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment Committee, Ariane Burgess demanded answers from the Secretary of State about why the Government’s Internal Market Act has repeatedly prevented the Scottish Parliament and the Committee from being able to protect the environment.

Ariane Burgess MSP said:

“The Scotland Act clearly states that protecting Scotland’s environment is a devolved matter and a core responsibility of the Scottish Government.

“Time and time again, Eustice and his fellow Partygate apologists have shown complete disregard for the Scotland Act and the Scottish Parliament.

“The Tories simply don’t care about the environment and they are happy to drag down the high standards which we have worked so hard to establish.”