Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party's campaign for a Yes vote in the referendum, today highlighted how independence could help open the door to a small business revolution.
Green MSP Alison Johnstone, a member of Holyrood's economy committee, today met with a dozen micro-business entrepreneurs to discuss her party's proposal to streamline the administration faced by start-ups.
With the powers of independence Scotland could create a regulatory account manager for firms with ten or fewer employees, giving them one point of contact rather than multiple contacts for different health, safety and environmental regulators.
The proposal features in a Green Yes briefing paper called An Economy For All, which outlines how the party would use the powers of independence to create a jobs-rich, fair and flourishing economy.
Alison Johnstone MSP said:
"By taking control of economic policy, tax and regulation, and speaking for ourselves in Europe, we can prioritise an economy for all. 94 per cent of Scottish private sector businesses have fewer than 10 employees, and we should seize the opportunity to help them grow and encourage new ones to follow.
"One way of boosting these numbers would be to introduce a single-point regulator for very small enterprises in recognition of their scale. That really would show that Scotland is open for business. It would allow us to tap into the can-do attitude and full potential of Scotland. It would rebalance our economy towards locally-owned, sustainable businesses, and challenge the dominance of multinationals."
Jobs-rich, fair and flourishing, An Economy for All (Green Yes)