
Greens urge young people to register for vaccine

The Scottish Greens have urged 18-29 year-olds in Scotland to register for the coronavirus vaccine, after NHS Scotland launched an online self-referral service.

The scheme will be vital for young people such as students who do not have regular access to a GP.

Commenting, Scottish Greens health spokesperson Gillian Mackay said: “This online registration service will be very important for those who are moving about a lot like students, and I urge young folk to get themselves vaccinated.

“Young people have been deprived of a social life and in-person teaching at college and university, and a quick rollout of the vaccine among young people will help enable all of that to return.

“I turn 30 myself this year, so I know how welcome it is to see the vaccine rollout for younger people coming next month, but it will only be effective if most people in this age group register to make sure they don’t miss out.”