
Greens welcome action on Invercauld Estate

Scottish Greens have welcomed news that NatureScot has suspended the use of general licences on part of the Invercauld Estate in the Cairngorms National Park. 

The move follows multiple evidence of wildlife crime at the location.

Commenting, Scottish Greens environment spokesperson Mark Ruskell said: “I welcome this decisive response from NatureScot in the face of mounting evidence of wildlife crime, but it should just be the first step towards tackling rampant criminality around Scotland’s intensive driven grouse moors.

“For far too long the locations for this Victorian blood sport have been magnets for the disappearance of birds of prey and illegal snaring and trapping.

“Ultimately, we need more sustainable use for our land, especially in our National Parks, which are supposed to be places where wildlife and nature can thrive, not be destroyed.”