Greens welcome Scotland's Nordic Office
The Scottish Green Party have welcomed the opening of Scotland’s Nordic Office in Copenhagen, the first of two international offices committed to under the Bute House Agreement between the Scottish Government and the Greens.
Norway, Sweden and Denmark are already important trading partners for Scotland, importing £2.6 billion worth of Scottish goods and services in 2019.
Scottish Greens External Affairs spokesperson, Ross Greer MSP, said:
“The Copenhagen office will help Scotland develop new partnerships with communities and businesses, expanding social, cultural and economic opportunities with some of our closest neighbours."
“We have a lot in common with the Nordic countries, from a long, shared history, to our recent work in developing the new green economy and tackling the climate crisis. This is a strong foundation which has the potential to grow in exciting ways, to the benefit of both Scotland and our Nordic partners. The Greens are proud to have played a role in its establishment and we look forward to the next office opening in Warsaw in due course."
“While the UK continues to cut itself off from its nearest neighbours, Scotland will play to our strengths as an ambitious, outward looking nation with a lot to offer and much to gain from an increased presence and voice in the world.”