Harper urges MSPs to let discussion continue on End of Life proposals
For immediate release 23 November 2010
Holyrood must this week vote at Stage One to allow discussions to continue on the End of Life Assistance (Scotland) Bill proposed by Margo Macdonald MSP, Robin Harper today argued. The most recent polling, published today, indicates that 77% of Scots back these proposals.
Green MSP Robin Harper said:
"Given the international concern about approaches to assisted suicide, it is well past the time for Scotland to have legislation to clarify the position for the sake of families and those whose quality of life is so reduced that they desperately wish to end their lives in an acceptable and dignified fashion. The same clarity would also be an enormous step forward for doctors and the other professionals involved. I have backed the progress of this Bill from the beginning, and will continue to do so. Polling indicates that more than three quarters of Scots share this view, and Parliament must vote this week to keep working on Margo's proposals."
Angus Reid polled 1001 Scottish adults from 14-16 April 2010. Full tables are available on request.
The Scottish Parliament is considering the End of Life Assistance (Scotland) Bill, which would allow people with intolerable terminal illnesses to be assisted if they wish to end their own life. Do you agree that this option should be available to people in Scotland? Do you agree that this option should be available to people in Scotland?