Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party's campaign for a Yes vote in the independence referendum, is highlighting the panic within the No campaign as proof of how disconnected the UK political parties are from the Scottish electorate.
Patrick Harvie, Green MSP for Glasgow and Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, said:
"This referendum has been coming since 2011 yet with less than ten days to go only now do the UK's political leaders spring into action, with the attempted hoisting of a flag.
"Cameron, Clegg and Miliband's actions demonstrate the very disconnect from Scotland's politics that is motivating so many people to vote Yes. For huge numbers of Yes voters this has nothing to do with flags or identity, and everything to do with building an accountable democracy, a more equal society, and ending the austerity endorsed by all three of these men."
On Labour MP Gordon Brown's suggestion of further devolution, Mr Harvie said:
"None of the extra powers apparently on offer would allow us to speak for ourselves on the world stage, or reject weapons of mass destruction in our waters, or hold unelected power to account. Scots have a chance to forge a new political culture, not just in Scotland, but across these islands. A Yes vote is the way to achieve that."