Hunterston reactor four to be restarted for four months
Responding to the news Hunterston reactor four is to be restarted for four months, West of Scotland Green MSP Ross Greer said:
“There is nothing reassuring for communities around Hunterston in this decision to restart one of the reactors.
“The ONR themselves have detailed four previous notable safety incidents. These include lost cooling for a reactor, the failure of a shutdown pump and smoke from a control room panel.
“EDF have said these individual incidents are minor, but together with the 350 cracks in the reactors, they paint the picture of an ageing relic being pushed beyond its already repeatedly extended lifespan.
“And what about the workers at the plant? Rather than restarting Hunterston, the transition of local jobs into safer and cleaner alternatives should already be underway. Decommissioning the plant alone will provide plenty of jobs for years, whilst eliminating the danger which comes from keeping it running.”