Green Yes, the Scottish Green Party's campaign for a Yes vote in the independence referendum, is welcoming the decision by four former farming union presidents to back a Yes vote.
Louise Batchelor, Green Yes campaigner and a former BBC environment correspondent, said:
"It's great that these respected figures are supporting a Yes vote. Agriculture is hugely important to Scotland's economy and way of life, and it stands to reason that the Scottish Parliament is better placed than Westminster to decide on matters affecting this vital sector.
"It's all too easy for UK Ministers to ignore the needs of Scotland's farmers. With independence we'd have a direct voice in the crucial farming talks in Europe, and this would help us secure a far better deal for our food producers and rural communities.
"With the full range of economic responsibilities we could really make a start on encouraging greater diversity in agriculture. Scotland is famed for its food and drink, and with a Yes I can see us really making the most not just of exports but of the potential for sustainable food consumed here at home."
More information about Green Yes.
Four Past Presidents of the National Farmers Union Scotland throw their weight behind Yes