
Israel arms suspension must lead to a full embargo

The UK must end its complicity in genocide.

The UK government’s decision to halt some weapons exports to Israel must lead to a full arms embargo and more concerted international pressure to end the genocide and the occupation, say the Scottish Greens.

The Foreign Office review identified a “clear risk” that arms sales to Israel could be used in serious violation of humanitarian law, leading to the suspension of 30 licences - around one tenth of all licences.

UK government statistics, compiled by Campaign Against Arms Trade, show that in the last 10 years, the UK has licensed at least £500 million worth of arms to Israel.

The Scottish Greens external affairs spokesperson, Patrick Harvie said: “This announcement is long overdue, and in itself does not go far enough. But if it becomes a precedent for further action, it will be welcome. 

“It must lead to permanent change. These sales should not just be suspended, they should be revoked with an assurance that they will not be renewed.

“With the implicit acceptance that the UK has been arming a military that is inflicting human rights abuses and war crimes, this must surely lead to a full arms embargo and pressure for much wider international sanctions. 

“If we are to see lasting change then it is crucial that this is the start of a fundamental change in policy, with concerted pressure from the international community, not only for a ceasefire but for an end to the occupation and for statehood for Palestine.

“The UK government will not have made this decision willingly. It has been dragged into this position by the peaceful mass protests and actions we have seen all across the UK and beyond. 

“It shows the importance that these protests are having and the need for us all to continue to stand with the people of Palestine.”