
Last chance for SNP to rescue climate credentials

Scottish Greens make position clear ahead of 2024 Programme for Government

The publication of the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government is the First Minister’s last chance to rescue his party’s climate credentials following a series of climate budget cuts and U-turns, says Scottish Green co-leader Lorna Slater.

Speaking ahead of today’s announcement Ms Slater said:

“From cutting active travel and nature restoration budgets to bringing back peak rail fares, the SNP is rolling back on climate action.

“With global temperatures rising, we urgently need bold and ambitious change. We have no time to waste, but the SNP is taking us backwards and undermining a lot of the progress that was introduced by the Scottish Greens.

“Our focus must now be on urgently and rapidly delivering the policies that will help us to cut our emissions and seize the immense potential of our green transition.

“We need to see a clear commitment to our environment, that means maintaining a presumption against new fossil fuel exploration, moving money from major road building projects into public transport and laying out a clear timeline for the Heating in Buildings bill that will deliver warmer, greener homes.

“The Programme for Government is the First Minister’s last chance to rescue his climate credentials. I hope that he lives up to the urgency of the crisis we are in and that he announces the changes that Scotland needs.”