

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood's economy committee, is welcoming today's report on strengthening local democracy.

Earlier this year the Green MSPs published a set of ideas for revitalising local democracy, including creating smaller units of government that have the power to raise the majority of their funding locally.

Today's report from the Commission on Strengthening Local Democracy says 50 years of centralisation has failed to tackle Scotland's biggest problems, and calls for more local decisions, greater accountability and public participation.

Alison Johnstone MSP said:

"As Scotland debates whether powers should shift from London to Edinburgh we should also consider how we shift control from Edinburgh to local communities. The current system is unfair and unsustainable. Other European countries take proper local government for granted, and we should aspire to that.

"This report, along with our own ideas, will add momentum to the need to improve how we deliver local services and involve the public. While I think there's a greater chance of devolving power to communities if we become an independent country, it's essential we push the issue up the agenda whatever the result of the referendum."


Renewing Local Democracy in Scotland (Report by Andy Wightman for the Green MSPs)

Commission on Strengthening Local Democracy