
Loch Lomond Petition Reaches 10,000 mark

A petition set up by local Green MSP Ross Greer, which calls on the Scottish Government to end an exclusive agreement with Flamingo Land over the sale of land at Loch Lomond, has reached a major milestone.

While Flamingo Land withdrew their controversial application for a major tourist land in Balloch last year after a record number of objections, they still have an exclusivity agreement with landowners Scottish Enterprise, a Scottish Government agency. This agreement gives Flamingo Land exclusive rights to purchase the land until the end of 2020, having already been extended by two years. Should Flamingo Land want to lodge another application, it is increasingly likely that they will need a further extension.

The agreement prevents other potential owners, including community groups, from advancing alternative options for the site. A well-attended meeting last year revealed a range of ideas that would protect the ancient woodland, contribute to tackling the climate crisis and support the economy.

Ross Greer, Green MSP for the West of Scotland, commented:

“On top of the record-breaking number of objections to Flamingo Land’s plans for Loch Lomond we now have a massive - and growing - response to our petition to keep the site in public hands.
“This is really important. If Flamingo Land still want a development it’s likely they’ll ask Scottish Enterprise for another extension. Even if they announce plans now, they’d have little hope of getting planning permission by the end of this year. That means that it’s in the hands of Scottish Enterprise and their bosses in the Scottish Government. If they want to, they can save Loch Lomond by refusing to renew the agreement. I hope they listen to the community and others who have supported our petition.”