
Mental health and PPE concerns: Scottish Greens response to daily briefing

A renewed focus on mental health and wellbeing at the First Minister’s briefing has been welcomed by the Scottish Greens.

The party’s health spokesperson Alison Johnstone said: “The current situation has placed many people into isolation and financial troubles, so it is welcome to hear the First Minister put her focus onto mental health. The extra funding for mental health crisis services and an online digital resource to support children online is particularly welcome.

“It is important that the spirit of ‘kindness and solidarity’ hailed by the First Minister isn’t just applied to support services during this crisis. The coronavirus outbreak has exposed how many gaps exist in our benefits system, how poorly key workers are paid and valued, and how our economy puts growth above people’s safety and well-being.

“That has become very apparent in the way vital COVID-19 tests and PPE procurement has become subject to a competitive market. Countries or individual care homes should not be competing for equipment to keep us safe. It has never been clearer that competition should never come before communities.”