
Ministers have watered down proposals on Crown Estate revenue

Andy Wightman MSP, Land Reform spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, tonight (24 Nov) expressed concern after the Islands Minister Humza Yousaf confirmed that the Scottish Government has retreated from its plans to give local authorities statutory rights to Crown Estate coastal revenues.

In June last year, the First Minister stated that in light of the devolution of Crown Estate assets, "coastal and island councils will benefit from 100 per cent of the net revenue generated in their area from activities within 12 miles of the shore”.

However, in today's Holyrood debate on Island Communities, the Islands Minister referred Mr Wightman to a commitment to give "communities" control instead.

Andy Wightman, Land Reform spokesperson for the Scottish Greens and MSP for Lothian, said:

"The devolution of Crown Estate coastal assets has huge potential for Scotland's local authorities. It's a real worry that Scottish Ministers have watered down their original proposals. It sounds as though they will invite community groups to bid for a slice of any revenue generated, rather than giving local authorities statutory rights to the funds.

"Given the huge potential we cannot let this issue slide. I will continue to make the case for Crown Estate revenues to come directly to councils so they can make best use of these funds for the communities they serve."  


Sturgeon promises Crown Estate cash and local involvement in management (Shetland Times, June 2015)