
Ofcom out of touch; We trust STV and ITV Border to continue to show good judgement

Responding to publication by Ofcom of guidance for commercial broadcasters in the run up to the Holyrood election, a spokesperson for the Scottish Greens said:


"The thousands of Scots who signed our petition calling on Ofcom to give us parity with Holyrood's four other parties will be angry and we share that anger. The simplistic larger/smaller distinction is meaningless in the modern political landscape. 



"Ofcom admit that the Lib Dems have not performed well yet they get to keep their privileged position. On any measure - polling, membership, satisfaction with party leaders - the Scottish Greens are clearly streets ahead of the Lib Dems.



"We are pleased that STV have already agreed to include us in their Holyrood election debate, showing just how out of touch Ofcom are. This guidance risks relegating us from daily coverage of the election campaign but we trust STV and ITV Border to continue to exercise good judgement and give fair coverage to the Scottish Greens as the public deserve to hear from us."




Ofcom review of "larger" parties (SGP mentioned page 33):