
Our targeted campaign to elect Patrick Harvie as Scotland’s first Green MP

The Scottish Greens today (10 May) confirmed that they will target their campaigning in the snap General Election, with campaigners focusing on electing Patrick Harvie as Scotland’s first Green MP in the national target seat of Glasgow North, where the campaign launches tomorrow.

The party also confirmed that it will not endorse any other candidates in areas where no Green candidate is standing.

The constituencies and Green candidates are:

- Glasgow North: Patrick Harvie MSP
In the overlapping seat of Glasgow Kelvin, Patrick Harvie came second in 2016, ahead of Labour, Conservative and LibDem candidates. Green Councillor Martha Wardrop topped the poll in the Hillhead ward in the heart of this constituency last week.

- Edinburgh North and Leith: Lorna Slater
The Edinburgh Greens' best result in the 2015 election, with over three thousand votes, and a historically strong area for the party, currently represented by Green councillors including Susan Rae who topped the poll in Leith Walk ward last week.

- Falkirk: Debra Pickering
A constituency the Greens did not contest in 2015, but where widespread concern exists about the threat of fracking and unconventional gas. Greens are calling for a full ban to replace the SNP’s temporary moratorium.

Yvonne McLellan, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens' elections and campaigns committee, said:

"Green teams around Scotland are focused on supporting our new councillors as they get to work helping communities and protecting public services. But they are also determined to reject the Tories' Hard Brexit disaster and fight for our future in Europe. 

“Our volunteers and campaigners have put huge effort and financial resources into the Holyrood and local elections, and this effort has paid off with new Greens elected to represent their communities. Theresa May knows she can rely on self-interested wealthy donors and campaigners who’re allowed to break the spending rules without fear of prosecution. Greens don’t work that way, and we’re not in the pockets of the super-rich.

"That's why we are targeting our resources to build on our strong support in Glasgow North and in Edinburgh North & Leith, and also build support for the case against fracking in Falkirk. Greens across Scotland will support efforts in these constituencies, offering a bold alternative to the other parties. 

"In the same way that the Greens in England focused efforts on Brighton to elect Caroline Lucas to Westminster, we believe by targeting we can work towards Scotland electing its first Green MP."