
Patrick Harvie comments on coronavirus latest

Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie MSP said:

“Boris Johnson’s handling of the coronavirus crisis has been chaotic. It’s clear that his failure to follow scientific advice earlier now means that the people of England will have to endure stricter restrictions for longer. What’s not clear at all yet is what knock on effects this will have for Scotland.

“It’s vital that urgent clarification is provided about what impact these new regulations will have here, importantly we need to know urgently what funding will be made available for workers and businesses. It would be completely unacceptable for the UK Government to deny Scotland the funding that we need to tackle this crisis.

“I welcome confirmation that the furlough scheme will now be extended, but it is scandalous that this was left till the last possible moment. Huge numbers of people have already lost their jobs as a result of the UK Government's delay, so the Prime Minister must ensure that they can be re-hired direct to furlough, instead of abandoning them. Workers also need clarity that support will be there for as long as they need it.

“It’s important that extra consequential spending that does come to Scotland as a result of these latest decisions makes its way to workers and businesses as soon as practicably possible. Any delays that risk yet more job losses would be unacceptable.”