

A new poll for the Scottish Green MSPs shows two-thirds of Scots want Holyrood to have control over immigration policy, with almost half of those planning to vote No to independence backing the idea.


Green MSP Alison Johnstone, a member of Holyrood's economy committee, says the survey highlights the opportunity for Scotland to develop a welcoming immigration policy that attracts skilled workers for new industries - in contrast to the negative approach at Westminster driven by concerns in the south-east of England.


The Survation poll of 1,000 Scots found 66 per cent agreed that the Scottish Parliament should have control over immigration, with only 20 per cent disagreeing.


Of those indicating their position on the referendum, 41 per cent of No voters agreed that Holyrood should have control.


Alison Johnstone MSP said:


"There is a huge economic opportunity for Scotland if we have control over immigration policy. It's significant that even those opposed to independence at this stage appear to see the potential.


"Our digital technology, tourism, renewable energy, science and food sectors are all starting to take off. With a more welcoming policy we'd have a better chance of addressing any skills shortages, in turn generating tax revenue to support public services.


"In recent days Gordon Brown, Menzies Campbell, David Cameron and Johann Lamont have failed to address the need to give Scotland control over how it welcomes the world. It’s clear to me the only option on the table that will deliver the approach we need is a Yes vote in September."



Survation poll asked:

Do you agree that the Scottish Parliament should have control over immigration policy?


Yes 66.3 per cent (94 per cent among referendum Yes voters; 41.2 per cent among No voters)

No 20.8 per cent (3.6 per cent among Yes voters; 39.8 per cent among No voters)

Don't Know 12.9 per cent (2.4 per cent among Yes voters; 19 per cent among No voters)