
Ruskell hits out at "callous" SNP and Tory MSPs for allowing painful amputation of puppies' tails

Mark Ruskell MSP, Environment spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, tonight (21 June) hit out at "callous" SNP and Tory MSPs for voting to allow a return to the painful amputation of puppies' tails in breeds of dogs used on shooting estates.

The end of the ten-year ban on tail docking, brought by the Scottish Government, has been strongly opposed by the Greens, veterinary organisations and animal welfare charities.

Mark Ruskell MSP said:

“Vets and animal welfare charities warned that this would be a retrograde step for Scotland, but callous SNP and Tory MSPs have endorsed this cruel and unnecessary practice. The painful docking of hundreds of puppies' tails just to avoid one amputation in an adult dog is anti-science and nothing more than a sop to vested interests.

"The Environment Secretary admitted to me that this policy has no veterinary support, and she admits that her research did not look at the impact on dogs' behaviour and communication. I'm sure many SNP supporters will be appalled by their MSPs' actions tonight. 

"When you add puppy tail amputations to weak legislation on foxhunting, it's clear that this Government is damaging Scotland's reputation as a nation of animal lovers."