
Scotland must revisit 20mph after 130 countries sign pledge

Scotland should revisit the idea of a 20mph national speed limit for residential streets after 130 countries signed a pledge to introduce it, Scottish Green MSP Mark Ruskell has said.

The 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm has agreed to link road safety to Sustainable Development, including a commitment on a 20mph standard. [1]

Last year the SNP and Conservatives teamed up to defeat a member’s bill by Mark Ruskell that would have introduced a 20mph limit across Scotland.

“It’s great that the Stockholm summit has agreed this important step, which will save lives and make streets safer, and it’s pleasing that Aberdeenshire have also just laid out a similar ambition, thanks to our Green councillor Martin Ford.

“There is new momentum behind making our streets safer, and the Scottish Government should revisit the 20mph proposals I introduced last year. Despite winning the backing of councils, health organisations and residents, the bill was defeated by the SNP and the Tories.

“I hope those parties will recognise the overwhelming evidence and international momentum behind the safer streets campaign, and recognise they have prevented progress. There is still an opportunity to save lives.”