
Scottish Government must cancel all exams, say Greens

Following a statement from Education Secretary John Swinney on the 2021 exam diet, Scottish Greens Education Spokesperson Ross Greer MSP said:

“Cancelling and replacing National 5 exams was the only responsible choice, so I cannot for the life of me work out why the Education Secretary hasn't done the same with Highers.

"His comment that this will ‘free up capacity’ doesn’t make sense, given that Nat 5 and Higher exams don’t normally take place at the same time, and it was notable that he avoided my question on this point rather than answer it.

“Higher pupils are still being subjected to an unacceptable level of risk, preparing all year for exams which may be cancelled when the government could have adopted the same coursework-based alternative system chosen for Nat 5s.

“The Scottish Greens have for months called for the full 2021 exam diet to be cancelled, just as we warned for months that this year’s SQA grading system would be a disaster. We were able to step in and fix the government’s mess once, I dearly hope we will not need to do so again.”