
Scottish Green MSP celebrates Holyrood Dog of the Year win

Scottish Green MSP Mark Ruskell and his dog Joy have won the Pawblic vote at Holyrood Dog of the Year.

Mark Ruskell MSP has celebrated his dog, Joy, winning the Pawblic Vote at the Holyrood Dog of the Year Awards: the award that is voted for by the public.

The dog that Mark nominated, Joy, a four year old three-legged greyhound, is a former racing dog that survived a serious injury as a result of racing. Joy belongs to an animal welfare campaigner and constituent who lives in the Mid Scotland & Fife region that Mark represents.

Mark and Joy came first in the Pawblic vote, which is Mark’s second win in a row after he secured last year’s vote with a different former racing dog Bluesy. A few years before that Mark secured the Pawblic vote with his rescued former racing dog Bert. 

Mark has long campaigned for a phase out of greyhound racing in Scotland, and will be working with Joy to make that happen.

Commenting on the win, Mark said:

“I am delighted that so many people have been touched by Joy and her story. She is a beautiful dog and I was proud to take her to Holyrood where she was able to win people’s hearts as well as their votes.

“Joy is super friendly with people and fellow dogs. She has a tail that never stops wagging, and she does not let the fact that she is a three-legged dog get in the way of her running, playing or socialising. 

“Holyrood Dog of the Year is a great initiative. I am sure that Joy will use her win as an opportunity to raise awareness of the concerns around greyhound racing in Scotland, the unacceptable level of injuries and deaths and the need for this gambling led industry to be phased out.  

“Former racing greyhounds make amazing family pets and Joy is a great advert for rehomed greyhounds everywhere.”